Tuesday, February 21, 2012

First four Cards

  Made a jpg of our first four cards together.  Just for those of you who haven't seen them or are new to Sports Wars Cards.  These cards are all also available for a small donation at our facebook store front.  I would also like to here a little feed back about what you guys/gals think of the new card design and the general layout in general.  Like always, thanks for reading.


Been Away

    Sorry that I have not been posting lately.  I have been working on learning a few different computer languages to build my own site.  I have learned HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP and currently working on mastering WordPress.  My new idea is to start a small web design business to help finance this project along with some other.  If you are anyone you know is looking for someone to build a website for their small business let me know or pass them a link here and we can talk.  Talk for checking in and I will try and get some more done on this project and take it off the back burner.  Sorry again for the delay.
